CHAP. 16. (9.)—MAGNESIA.
To Thessaly Magnesia joins, in which is the fountain of
Libethra[1]. Its towns are Iolcos[2], Hormenium, Pyrrha[3],
Methone[4], and Olizon[5]. The Promontory of Sepias[6] is here
situate. We then come to the towns of Casthanea[7] and Spa-
lathra[8], the Promontory of Æantium[9], the towns of Melibœa[10],
Rhizus, and Erymnæ[11]; the mouth of the Peneus, the towns
of Homolium[12], Orthe, Thespiæ, Phalanna[13], Thaumacie[14],
Gyrton[15], Crannon[16], Acharne[17], Dotion[18], Melitæa, Phylace[19],
and Potniæ[20]. The length of Epirus, Achaia, Attica, and
Thessaly is said altogether to amount to 490 miles, the
breadth to 287.
1. Near Libethrum; said to be a favourite haunt of the Muses, whence
their name "Libethrides." It is near the modern Goritza.
2. Leake places its site on the height between the southernmost houses
of Volo and Vlakho-Makhala. No remains of it are to be seen.
3. Ansart says that on its site stands the modern Korakai Pyrgos.
4. Near Neokhori, and called Eleutherokhori.
5. Now Kortos, near Argalisti, according to Ansart.
6. Now Haghios Georgios, or the Promontory of St. George.
7. At the foot of Mount Pelion. Leake places it at some ruins near a
small port called Tamukhari. The chestnut tree derived its Greek and
modern name from this place, in the vicinity of which it still abounds.
8. Probably near the village of Hagia Eutimia, according to Ansart.
9. Now Trikeri.
10. Melibœa was near the modern Mintzeles, and Rhizus near Pesi
Dendra, according to Ansart.
11. Ansart says, in the vicinity of the modern Conomio.
12. Situate at the foot of Mount Homole, between Tempe and the village
of Karitza. Leake thinks that the Convent of St. Demetrius, on the
lower part of Mount Kissavo, stands on its site.
13. Now Tournovo, according to Ansart.
14. Now called Democo, according to Ansart.
15. Between the Titaresius and the Peneus. The modern village of
Tatari stands on its site.
16. Probably the place of the same name mentioned in the last Chapter.
17. Probably the same as Acharræ on the river Pamisus, mentioned
by Livy, B. xxxii. c. 13.
18. On the Dotian Plain, mentioned by Hesiod, and probably the same
place that Pindar calls Lacereia.
19. The birth-place of Protesilaüs, the first victim of the Trojan war.
20. Nothing is known of this place. The word "porro" appears instead
of it in some editions.